quinquenervia eco

quinquenervia eco is a passionate ecology freelancer based in the Newcastle area of New South Wales. Employed mainly as a bush regenerator, we also do sub-contractor work doing tree health assessments, GIS mapping, flora and fauna surveys, and desktop analysis. We have also built the website for HA-BRA-CUL-CHA, and are committed to building a repository of free information for those interested in the ecology of the Newcastle area.

This website has been developed as part of our self-education in front-end web development. This site will be in a perpetual stage of development as the author learns more about the hosting process, and moves away from WordPress templates.


Repository of bookmarks, keys, and other helpful links

placeholder image to display in development


Repository of bookmarks, keys, and other helpful links

placeholder image to display in development


Portfolio of our work (coming soon)

"Planta derelicta" - because even the gross stuff in drains and ditches is worth discussing

A look at the less “pretty” side of ecology, like roadside weeds, eroded slopes, and other neglected and overlooked ecosystems and the resilient native plants that occupy them. (coming soon)